
AhandyChromeextensionthatletsyourotateanywebpageinincrementsof90degrees,eachtimeyouclicktheextensionbutton.,AhandyChromeextensionthatletsyourotateanywebpageinincrementsof90degrees,eachtimeyouclicktheextensionbutton.,今天就提升您的瀏覽體驗吧!瀏覽器擴充功能:◇視訊旋轉:以任何方向(順時針或逆時針)旋轉視頻,以立即匹配您喜歡的觀看角度。此功能由適用於桌面和行動觸 ...,ChromeTabRotateallowsChrometoa...

Webpage Rotator

A handy Chrome extension that lets you rotate any webpage in increments of 90 degrees, each time you click the extension button.

Webpage Rotator

A handy Chrome extension that lets you rotate any webpage in increments of 90 degrees, each time you click the extension button.

Rotate that Video Player

今天就提升您的瀏覽體驗吧! 瀏覽器擴充功能: ◇ 視訊旋轉: 以任何方向(順時針或逆時針)旋轉視頻,以立即匹配您喜歡的觀看角度。 此功能由適用於桌面和行動觸 ...


Chrome Tab Rotate allows Chrome to automatically cycle through a set of tabs. Ideal for a Dashboard or wall-mounted display.

Rotate display

Pressing Ctrl-Shift-Alt-F3, spins the Chrome browser window within the top half of the rotated monitor screen. The window footer (Chrome, Gmail, G+, etc ...

Rotate Chrome 90 degrees clockwisecounterclockwise

You could take a look at the Flip This Chrome extension. It allows to rotate and flip any page (according to the description).

How to automatically rotate your screen

To change your auto-rotate setting, follow these steps: Open your device's Settings app Settings app . Select Accessibility. Select Auto-rotate screen. Get more ...

How do I rotate an image viewed in Chrome? For example, in ebay.

[CTRL] + [Shift] + arrow. arrow left - counterclock wise. arrow right - clockwise. arrow up - return to ...

How do you rotate an internet page 90 degrees in chrome?

Manually type javascript: and then copy document.body.setAttribute( style, -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);); into the address bar and press enter.

How do you rotate in a chrome browser?... : rhowto

How do you rotate 90 degrees in a chrome browser?...